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+91 7825895310

Herzlich Willkommen auf unserer Plattform!

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Class 12 Pass : One Year Extended Program


Excellence in JEE (Main & Advanced): Emphasis on making the students imbibe the fundamental concepts of Science & Mathematics and on sharpening their analytical skills and parallel thinking process which makes them capable of creatively resolving complex and tricky problems by mere application of basic concepts for a quantum jump in their performance in IIT-JEE. Each student has the right strategy for himself/herself for TIME MANAGEMENT to ensure optimum output. This enables the students to excel not only in JEE (Main) but also in JEE (Advanced) & Other Engineering Entrance Exams.


  • Entire course is divided into 4 phases. Each phase is followed by Test and its Analysis Session.
  • Exhaustive quizzes.
  • Right mix of classes, problem solving and Doubt Clearing Classes.
  • Good comprehensive pattern proof & thoroughly revised study material.
  • Periodic tests on the JEE pattern with regular feedbacks
  • Home assignments / Workbook.
  • Chapter practice problems (CPP): On each chapter students will be given chapter practice problems which they have to attempt and submit before the beginning of the next chapter. These solutions will be checked by the faculty and will be returned to the students with remarks and suggestions. Thus helping every student to have a very strong command over fundamental concept knowledge very crucial for getting Top ranks.
  • Class Learning Improvement Program (CLIP): Icing on the cake of every class is done through Classroom Learning Improvement Program (CLIP) for those who have completed all assignments to further help them get a higher Rank in JEE (Main), JEE (Advanced), etc.
  • Rank Potential Index (RPI) : We are the only institute in India having the capability to predict Rank Potential Index (RPI) of a student. We constantly encourage our students to emulate their Rank Potential Index.
  • JEE Archive: Question Bank with Answers of previous year IIT-JEE (Main & Advanced) papers
  • Grand Masters Package (GMP) : An Exclusive fundamentals search based package of 1500 Top quality problems on JEE pattern testing your understanding of the subject. It covers all aspects of JEE problem solving Techniques.
  • Rankers Test Paper File (RTPF) : Consists of Three part tests and Nine full syllabi tests on present & expected JEE pattern. The Test Papers are independently sealed in separate envelopes with instructions printed on top to take the tests at home by simulating real examination like conditions
  • All India Test Series (AITS) on the pattern of both JEE (Main) & JEE (Advanced).
  • Open Test for JEE (Main & Advanced) : To be conducted in more than 60 cities. Student will receive their score, percentile, All India Rank, analysis of result and suggestions for improvement.
  • Online Test Series Support through www.mypat.in : myPAT, is an Online Platform for Learning through Assessment, Analysis, Identification of Knowledge Gaps and Remedy Options. myPAT empowers you with your own Subject Concept Coverage Meter, Performance Meter and Success Meter. It also enables higher learning outcome, building exam temperament & readiness and ensures success in competitive exams

With myPAT – You Can

  • Take Subject Concept Tests, Full & Part Online Test Series (for JEE Main, JEE Advanced & BITSAT).
  • Experience simulated test environment for your preparation.
  • Achieve your goal and claim the glory.
  • Gain insights through in-depth analytics & detailed score report.
  • Benchmark yourself amongst successful aspirants.
  • Identify improvement areas and remedial suggestions.

    Classroom contact hours of approx 465 hrs. However, the actual total input provided to the student is more than 600 hours which includes

    • Doubt removal sessions
    • Rank Improvement Program (RIP) for JEE Advanced, 2017 for eligible students to be conducted in the month of April / May, 2017
    • Phase Tests and Tests of All India Test Series
    • Test Analysis Sessions etc.
    • Normally classes are held 4 /5 days a week for 4 hrs to 6 hrs each time. Classes can be held in the morning or evening session.NotThe schedule of classes may vary from one study centre to another. Kindly contact your nearest FIITJEE centre for more details.

      Since inception, FIITJEE has laid emphasis on making the students imbibe the fundamental concepts of Science & Maths and on sharpening their analytical skills and parallel thinking process.

      At FIITJEE you will find a very powerful system that can help you unfold your full potential systematically. We train our students in such a way that they are ready to scale JEE successfully irrespective of the pattern. What is required is total dedication and hard work.